Program & Policies

What can you expect on a typical day at TLTB?

Pre entrance check-in for each child every day. All children's temperatures will be taken before they enter their rooms. We have a no-tolerance policy when it comes to providing a healthy place for your children. Wellness is essential. Sick children will not be allowed to stay and if we observe your children looking a little under the weather you will be asked to pick up your child and keep them home for at least 24 hours. 

After temperatures are checked you can sign in your child so we have a record of the drop-off and pick up times.

See: Daily Schedule


Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Cleaning, cleaning, and more cleaning. We deep clean before the children arrive each day and deep clean again after lunchtime.

  2. We’re hand washers! We’ve always been. All ages have assistance with hand washing multiple times a day. 

  3. Our toys are sanitized daily and each of the small children has their own personal high chair, and playpens to ensure they have the fresh, germ-free environment as possible.

  4. No one wears shoes inside our children's area.  

  5. Our staff has always worn gloves to diaper babies and will wear gloves for all other personal cleanings of the children.

  6. A healthy appetizing lunch with snacks continues to be important to us and we believe quality food is essential to children’s good health.

We follow all New York Health Department guidelines and take pride in going above and beyond as those directives are the minimum standards for TLTB locations and staff.


Close communication with our parents is essential and necessary.

We’ve made it easy for our parents to feel at ease when they are away from their children by allowing them to access our surveillance cameras. Peace of mind is something we know parents need and we’re excited to provide this experience for them.  

We believe in open communication.  We want to know what’s happening for your children. You keep us informed and we’ll do the same for you. PLUS: we love to snap photos (with your permission) and share them via text of your children at play. We know how precious they are to you.

Important Parent Policy Information

Parents must furnish wipes, diapers, ointments, and a full change of clothes, formula and baby food (for infant care). Please label all your child's belongings.

TLTB provides meals for children eating solid foods. We provide a Pre-k curriculum for toddlers and art is always present. PLEASE do not send your child with a contagious illness. We will not admit any child with fever, persistent cough, unexplained rash or other obvious illness! Children with running nose, on an antibiotic, treatment may attend, medical form must be updated yearly. Parents are responsible to update the child's medical record every year during the doctor's appointment after the child's birthday and inform providers about any health changes.

Please choose for your child's emergency contact list and need to be notified, always keep your child's emergency card information up to date.

TLTB can NOT administer any medicine.